Moving this post to the head of the list, I present a recently expanded sampling of what this blog has been about. Occasional rant aside, it's been my goal to let people into the operating room, and into the life and thoughts of a surgeon; to share my take on some surgical conditions, and sometimes just to get a laugh.
Memorable Patients: I've told stories about people who made a big impression
here, (the most stool I've ever seen in a belly)
here, (when my partner got sick)
here, (she killed her caregiver, and almost killed herself)
here, (thirteen years old, and I couldn't save her)
here (until the end, she kept bringing me food)
here, (kidney cancer in his pancreas, and he kept on truckin')
here, (bleeding so fast, I could hear it)
here, (no stomach, kept eating steak)
here, (breast-heart connection?)
here, (an extreme test of faith)
and here. (a screw-up in a great guy)
Series On Diseases, Organs, And Conditions:
Breast Cancer
one, two, three, four, five , six,
and this
oh yeah: and this one about outpatient mastectomy
one, two, three, four
one, two, three, four
The Pancreas
one, two, three
The Gallbladder
one, two, three, four, five
The Spleen
one, two
one, two
The Back Side
one, two
one, two, three
A Peek Into The Operating Room:
Deconstructing An Operation (wherein I tried to convey, in detail, what it's like to do an operation. Some of it is pretty good!)
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
one, two
one, two
The Back Side
one, two
one, two, three
A Peek Into The Operating Room:
Deconstructing An Operation (wherein I tried to convey, in detail, what it's like to do an operation. Some of it is pretty good!)
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
What Cancer Looks Like:ugly as hell
The Mind Of A Surgeon: (no, it's not an oxymoron)
Playing God
Taking Trust:
maybe my most controversial post (except for one on prayer. You'll have to search for that one.)
shoot from the head.
Various Good Stuff
Brittle Beauty (this one got mentioned in the New York Times):
Various Good Stuff
Brittle Beauty (this one got mentioned in the New York Times):
"Alternative" Medicine And Why We Love It:
Strange Things In Strange Places:takes all kinds
Old Folks:
They take it in stride.
Word play:
Fun with new words.
Hospital Politics, And A Memo:
one, two, three, four
My Malpractice Series: (lawyers hated it. Because of the title, it still gets hits on strange searches...)
one, two, three
Thoughts On Health Care Issues:
Reflecting on Past and Future (some excellent comments on this post)
The Personals: People In My Life
My amazing aunt
My grandpa
Watching My Dad
The Father I Could Never See
My Oldest Friend
My Newest Friend
Rants: (most of these are decidedly non-medical, so be warned)
My first rant, on the anniversary of 9/11.
My first rant, on the anniversary of 9/11.
This is the only medical one
I guess this is a rant. It's about war and what it does to the kids who fight them. Some of the comments are worth reading, too.
Praying for a Child (this one caused a huge ruckus.)