For anyone interested in taking the time, here's a lengthy post by a person actually present when Obama spoke his scurrilous San Francisan words. In context, as I said in my rant, they are the thoughtful words of a person interested in the big picture, and uninterested in politics as usual. But given the effort (and willingness) required to see it (William "the war will be easy" Kristol concludes he's a Marxist), no minds are likely to be changed. Can't hurt to try.
The Sissies and the Sisypheans-
There's the title of your novel~ =^}
/More from the schoolyard/
Re: Marxism
To: Irving's son
"Takes one to know one." :P
Dr Sid, it never hurts to try. Take care.
You ought to read the latest George Packer post from the NewYorker blogs (http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/georgepacker/2008/04/in-november-200.html). As you know, Packer is as anti-Bush, anti-neocon as they come, but his thoughts are on the money, I think. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in a "movement" and fail to see when a mistake has been made; not to the degree that William Kristol would have you believe, but an unfortunate mistake nonetheless....
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