Well, I've done it. I've just created a new blog, which will become the place for my rants. Surgeonsblog, if it ever revives, will revert to what it once was -- a place for insights and information about surgery and surgeons. My new blog is where I'll froth and foam.
It's called "Cutting Through The Crap." You can find it here. There (and on this post), readers can comment if they so choose. I hope people will find their way to the new place; and I hope there'll eventually be reasons to return here as well.
Already commented and will be reading soon. :)
I look forward to reading your new blog Dr. Schwab! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading surgeonsblog. So of course, I just had to get your book and not surprisingly, I loved it! I'd also like to thank you for continuing to share your political views. I agree with you 110%. :)
Love both your surgical insights and your political rants, but definitely agree that it was probably best to separate the two. Both will be on my blogroll!
Good gods, Dr Schwab. I followed you over from Daily Kos to Cutting Through the Crap to here. Imagine my surprise to know that I know you! Jack and I both say Hi and wish you and your family all the best.
Nancy Barton, RN
Well, well. Hi Nancy! Small world. Or large. Thanks for dropping by.
Good, I'm tired of hearing about your politics.
wow. You came all the way over her on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon just to say that. Wouldn't it be easier (and less laughable) just to not bother clicking at all? (See, here's how it works: you are allowed not to visit websites that annoy you. That's one of the great things about the internet.)
Anyhow, I'm glad to have made you happy. You seem like a great guy.
There will always be innumerable reasons to visit both your blogs, Dr. Schwab.
Bring on the froth! And the foam!
I have loved reading your blog - please don't abandon the medical stuff completely for politics!
I have just bought your book and it has arrived today!
Sorry Sid, I prefer the Sid I see on this blog. If I wanted to read stuff like you have on that other blog, I'd just watch the MSM.
I like to vote after I've heard a candidates stance on the issues. I'll leave that mud slinging for the Lefties and the Righties.
Here's hoping you get back to this blog someday. It is by far your better work.
Dr. Schwab,
I really liked your current post on your other blog (10/14, 4:00), but I'm leaving a comment on this blog because I wanted to tell you that my husband and I are having our THIRD Situs Inversus baby on Monday. Its the respiratory distress due to the (probable) Kartagener Syndrome (we assume this one will have KS because our other two children with SI have KS) that has me frightened. I'm expecting all the monitors, the oxygen, the wires, the aerosol treatments, but its been 12 years since going through it last. I know this isn't surgical, but I wondered if you knew anything that I should be aware of in regard to her treatment? And 12 years ago (with my 2nd child with SI and KS) they said that his veins had collapsed but that it sounded worse than it actually was...is it really?
Thanks for any help.
Oops, I meant to say that I liked your 10/15, 4:00am post. Sorry about the mistake.
Justine: I wish I had information to give you. It's really out of my area of expertise. I'd guess you already know way more about it than I do. I can only wish you well, which I most certainly do.
Dr Schwab, I can understand why you decided it was for the best to divide the two. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog here but the political stuff...not so much.
I sure hope that after the November elections are behind us you'll be back with more of your great writing here.
Dr. Schwab,
I just wanted to let you know that all is well and thank you for your good wishes. There wasn't much new, in fact I was telling the doctors how to get her better :). In two weeks she was able to stay off the oxygen for good and leave the NICU. It was the best NICU we've ever been to. Her hip was out of socket and her lung was collapsed too, bet everything got better.
Justine: glad to hear it. I can't think of anything worse than worrying about a newborn baby. Thanks for letting me know.
PLEASE, more medical less political. Love medicine hate politics. MORE MEDICINE PLEASE.
Hey, Sid! This is for you: http://www.studiocake.com/sculpted_10.html A local baker here created a cake to look like the old Operation! game.
Great! Thanks, Alison!
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Thanks & Regards,
Dr Schwab,
I kinda like your medical writing to be more satisfying than your political blog. Maybe that's just because im a nurse.
Well, hope youll be able to continue posting here in the future. Best of luck!
-NUrse Jake
Nursing Negligence and Malpractices Blog
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