Wherein a surgeon tells some stories, shares some thoughts, and occasionally shoots off his mouth. Like a surgeon.
Moving this post to the head of the list, I present a recently expanded sampling of what this blog has been about. Occasional rant aside, i...
:) You were indeed working on it.
Still stuck, but Hope Springs eternal.
Still Stuck, but HopeFUL.
Still Stuck But Hope-"Phil"
THAT's Bob Hope??? :-)
I have a perpetual case of writer's block. I decided a long time ago not to stress about it. Either ya'll read what I write when I write it or you don't :-)
Clever, clever...:)
still stuck but hope springs eternal?
Actually, it's "Moonshine mud, cheeks bob, woodchuck."
No, really: some have gotten it right already: Still stuck but hopeful. (Hope-Phil). (The last picture is of Pawksatawny Phil, the groundhog-day groundhog.)
Better translation: (assume it's Winston Churchill in the last photo)
Still stuck, but hope "never, ever gives up"
I'm still working out the woodchuck part.
hey, bcwrites...
still stuck, but bob hope would chuck it all.
How about:
"Still stuck, but Hope will gopher two"
Okay...still working...
I must admit, "Still stuck, but bob groundhog" didn't make sense...
I then got to, still stuck, but hope groundhog....
Had to read the comments to remember Phil's name....
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